Friday, January 18, 2008

New Gear

Two weeks ago this new Sunpak 383 flash arrived from B&H PhotoVideo.
Full-manual operation is the way to go.

The next day I got the radio flash triggers from Gadget Infinity in Hong Kong.
Transmitter is on my camera's hotshoe, receiver's hotshoe is attached to the 383.
Now I can put my flash pretty much anywhere (within reason) and fire it remotely with no wires to carry and plug-in and trip over and repair. Shutter synch speed is 1/400 using the triggers and 1/1000 when connected directly to the camera.

Camera (+transmitter) clamped to my new (used) bike.
I can move fast and light but carry a lot of power and options now.

My new camera backpack and a lightweight spare POS tripod holding flash & receiver. Tripod bungees to the bike's frame.

An example of why getting the flash off of the camera is good.
Sunlight from the left/rear balanced with flash from the right/front.
Sure doesn't look like a typical snapshot.

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