Friday, January 18, 2008

The Cube

I had this idea in my head all day yesterday and just knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until it was captured...

...but the picture wasn't complete in my head yet.
I had most of it, but the details were eluding me.
Then a look around Strobist and the Strobist Flickr Group brought it home--a hoodie!
All the cool guys are wearing hoodies in their shots these days, and adding the gloves put it over the top.

The Cube is a 5-sided white plastic box that in a former life held a Skagen® watch.
It's lit by my old battery-powered cheapo slave flash inside.
My new flash is gridded and lighting just my shoulder and hood from the side, while the cube is handling my face and everything else.
Balancing the two took a single test exposure--I think I shot a total of six.

Of course the main flash is triggered by my Cactus V2s and is in turn triggering the slave.
Now I have the fun task of reminding commenters on various sites that modern wizards don't wear cloaks; only posers do.

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